Microsoft Azure Cloud Services

Build & Manage powerful applications using Microsoft Azure Cloud Services.

Microsoft Azure is a cloud computing service created for building, testing, deploying, and managing applications and services through Microsoft-managed data centers worldwide.

Microsoft Azure cloud platform has more than 200 products & cloud services designed to provide new solutions to life—to solve today’s challenges & create the future. Build, run, and manage apps across multiple clouds, on-premises and at the edge, with the tools and frameworks.

Microsoft Azure provides a consistent platform that facilities easy mobility between on-premises & the public Cloud. Microsoft Azure is a public cloud computing platform with solutions that includes Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Software as a Service (SaaS), and Platform as a Service (PaaS) that are used for services like analytics, and virtual computing, storage, networking, and much more.

Partner with Eminds to get all the benefits of Microsoft Azure plus dedicated support and exclusive tools for every cloud scenario.

Get instant access to powerful features.

  • Migration support: Access comprehensive assessment, planning, and implementation services for all types of migration, including from legacy infrastructure to the cloud.
  • Free Proof of Concept: Assess project feasibility and convince customers or other stakeholders about the benefits of cloud migration by running a free trial in a particular work environment.
  • Total transparency: Receive timely reports, estimates, and summaries for a comprehensive and real-time overview of usage and costs.
  • Simplified billing and subscriptions: Get billed only for the Azure services and take advantage of services provided in the Also Cloud Marketplace to manage subscriptions with minimal effort.

Partner with Eminds for a Superior Azure Experience

Customized Infrastructure

Our Microsoft Certified experts design an ongoing and customized Microsoft infrastructure based on the best of our services that your business demands.

Managed Cloud Resources

We manage your Azure environments by deploying services like continuous patching, proactive monitoring, and backups to reduce your risk of downtime.

99.9% Network Uptime

Eminds provides a guaranteed monthly network uptime of 99.9% to its Azure customers blended with the industry.

Check Real-time Consumption

Use your Eminds customer panel to check the real-time consumption of Azure resources, manage your Azure CSP subscription, renew services and reach customer support.

Free Cloud Consultation

Use Azure to its fullest with a free consultation and cloud assessment from reliable experts and realize improved performance, maximum ROI, and cost-effectiveness.

Dedicated Support

Eminds provides a dedicated support system with 24×7 availability that provides constant support to you when you need technical help.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

What is Microsoft Azure Cloud services?

Microsoft Azure Cloud: A platform that enables users to engage in agile cloud computing and is designed for creating & managing apps through Data Centers.

What is Microsoft Azure Cloud Services used for?

Microsoft Azure Cloud services include Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), Software as a Service (SaaS), and serverless. These cloud services are used for storage, networking, computing, and analytics.