Managed Services

Go beyond basic support. Ensure business continuity and drive performance.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Managed Services

Is your Microsoft Dynamics 365 Managed Services reliance on outdated processes and tools holding the business back?

Nowadays, the pace of change in the enterprise business is increasing rapidly. If you aren’t keeping pace, it’s time to meet the world of business transformation. Business transformation, at its core, is about optimizing your business tools, interactions, functions, transactions, and processes to align them with the evolving business world.

Are you using digital technologies to remake business processes and make them efficient and effective? Sound complicated? It doesn’t have to be – and Eminds is here to help.

Gain a Competitive Advantage with Managed Services

Eminds is a strategic Microsoft Dynamics 365 managed services support offering designed for companies who want a step up from traditional managed services. For a set fee, the Eminds Service team provides guidance and unlimited reactive support for your Business environment.

Our customers want a Dynamics Partner who will:

  • Prioritize IT initiatives
  • Execute the company’s business strategy efficiently
  • Optimize their Microsoft environment
  • Provide ongoing guidance and support

The Eminds team will optimize your business environment to give you the highly competitive edge you want. For your business, we act as trusted supporters, providing strategic technology leadership guidance and software support.

What does Dynamics 365 Managed Services Include?

Helpdesk Support

Receive quick answers and expert help to resolve any Dynamics 365 issues.

Technical Consultancy

Delegate tasks for our technicians to build processes and configure features to improve and expand your Dynamics system.

Packaged Solutions

Easily add capabilities by deploying any product at no additional cost.


Increase user knowledge with on-demand access to Dynamics 365 eLearning modules.

Engagement Calls

Review progress and discuss plans with your Technical Account Manager.


Learn more by scheduling bespoke tutor-led training sessions.